subota, 14. studenoga 2015.

How To Put On A Mustache

When I styled my mustache Helen showed me how to put it on so I didn't put this on myself, but now I will know for when I finish my second one.

To put on a mustache you use the same technique as when you are putting a lace wig on. 
First you need to see where the glue will be put - this mustache was measured on my uper lip so it doesn't fit her peftectly. Make sure that your model has a hairdressing gown or a towel on in case you spill the glue. Apply the spirit gum with a brush and wait for it to go tacky, then stick the mustache on. Check all the edges and add glue where you think it's needed. Then take the dabber (we use cotton wool wrapped in a pair of tights) and dab the mustache so it glues nicely and looks as natural as possible. 
To take the mustache off you use acetone or spirit gum remover. Apply it on a cotton bud and gently take of off your model's face. Then put some on a cotton pad and gently remove the rest of the glue from the mustache. 

Genghis Khan.
Teri W. (left), Genghis Khan (right) (source:
Nov 13 2015

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